Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We're Having Twins

For those of you that haven't heard we went to our first doctor
appointment Monday morning and verified God has a sense of humor. He
has blessed us with twins. Immediately after the shock and surprise of
twins we were confronted with the possibility of a complication.
Basically, they are equal in size and have good heartbeats but one is
in a large sac and the other is in a small sac (see pic). There is a
lot of more specific information that is less interesting to go into,
so I won't. They are considered di di twins which is 2 separate
pregnancies meaning they are not identical. We have to go back for
another ultrasound December 7th to see the progression of them. The
doctors prepared us that one or even both may fail but most likely is
1 successful baby to term. We are asking for prayer throughout this
pregnancy. We know that only God knows his plan for us and our babies
but can only pray, hope and think that we will get to raise both of
them as challenging as that may be.