Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Brandon and I decided to take a vacation to Branson, MO this year for spring break.  I was a little worried about not having things to do with the kids but boy was I wrong!  

We left Evansville around 4pm on Friday and drove straight through.  I was driving and about 30 min before we got to Branson my gas light came on.  Keep in mind, it's about 10:30pm and there is nothing ahead of us but miles and hills of highway.  With my car saying 0 miles until empty, I took an exit that said to have a gas station .5 mile up the road.  This was not true...We got back on the highway and spotted a closed gas station ahead.  By this point I am stressed to the max.  I can just see Brandon having to walk a dark hilly highway to find gas, while I sat in a cold van on the side of the highway with 4 kids who were sleeping now but would most likely not be once the car was stopped for an extended time period.  Brandon wanted me to drive up to the closed gas station but since I knew it was closed I was not wanting to waste anymore gas than needed.  I stopped the car and got out so he could drive-my nerves were shot by this time.  He pulled up to the station and without any lights on at the gas station he was able to get an entire gas tank full of gas.  I never knew you could pull up to a closed gas station and get gas.  It had to be a God thing!!

We had a 2 day pass at Silver Dollar City.  First day were were in sweatshirts and freezing and the second day we were in shorts and flip flops!  What a difference a day makes!!  We went to a few more shows - we had a great time.  Brandon was a little stressed but I think he had fun.  

We came back hone yesterday - home sweet home.  It is definatly a challenge to take 4 kids on vacation but I love knowing that I am making memories for them as my parents did for me. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been to Branson a couple of times and love it. I didn't think I would like it, but was pleasantly surprised!! Glad you guys didn't run out of gas. I would have been freaking out if I was driving!!
