Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finding Normal

We have been home for a little over a week now and are all starting to find our normal again. First of all, Joanna is doing very well. She is still getting a continuous feed by pump for 12 hours at night but sometimes she wants a little extra by bottle. During the day she takes her bottles every 3 or 4 hours as she decides. Keeping the tube taped where she can't pull it out is probably one of the biggest problems we have. They made it look so easy in the hospital. I told Jessica we are going to have to order a dumpster because the trash cans we have for pickup don't seem to be sufficient. I don't know how one baby can make a difference but it seems like we take out the trash and empty the dishwasher 3 times a day now and we don't even put the diapers in the trash can or put the bottles in the dishwasher. Thursday we take her to her 2nd pediatrician appointment here in Evansville, then take her to Cincinnati for a follow up appointment at the High Risk Clinic. We have had some in home visits with home health and a person from First Steps for early childhood development for preemies. The other girls are adapting pretty well I would say. Kenlee brings us the remote control constantly and says "Becca Song" which sometimes means she wants to watch Rebecca's movie and other times means she wants to hear Rebecca's song. She always lets us know when it comes on the radio by yelling "Becca's song, Becca's Song". Kenlee has become very whiney and always wants to be held. This week was a big week for Katelyn. We signed her up for Pre-school, swimming lessons and tap class. The new arrangements in the house are slowly working themselves out. Katelyn actually slept in Kenlee's room last night with her because Kenlee got some new flower shaped lights that hang on the wall and she thought those were pretty cool. I topped it off by putting a spare TV in there so they could watch as they went to sleep. The TV in the bedroom thing is a special occasion for them. Jessica is doing well also with the transition from working mom to stay at home mom. She actually told me yesterday, staying home with 3 kids is less stressful than working full time with 2 kids.

Apparently, there are still a couple of people checking the blog so I apologize for the length of time between posts. It was just a lot easier when I was in Cincinnati with nothing else to do. Here are some recent pictures also.


  1. Glad to hear things are going well! We miss you so much at work.

  2. Joanna sure is a precious little girl. We're happy the adjustments are going well and keep you in our prayers. Not only for your loss, but Brandon, with all girls in the house you are gonna need prayers for years to come, lol! Those little ones are gonna drive the boys crazy!

  3. She's so cute. So glad you're finding a new normal. Blessings on you all.

  4. I just wanted to tell you thanks for blogging. I am happy to hear the transition home is going well and I keep praying for Joanna. Jess - have you read the book, Bringing Home Baby, to the girls? I love this book. Can't wait to see you all. Love, Kristen

  5. I am glad to see an update on how things are going. I am sure it is nice to get your lives back to a normal status. She is a little doll :)

  6. i was starting to think there would be no more!! love reading the blog~

  7. We are still thinking and praying for you all the time. Thank you for keeping us updated and the pictures....well, they are precious! She is such a little cutie. I am so glad the other girls are starting to adjust. It will be a roller coaster with them, but they will work it all out in their little minds. God will help them through it! Take care of that beautiful family! Love you!
