Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update on Rebecca

The procedure part went ok this morning, but the results of it are not clear yet. The first attempt, the surgeon thinks he hit the cyst because a discolored fluid was drained. So, he tried a second time and went into the stomach. There was some blood in the stomach but they aren't too concerned, it may be a result of her blood not clotting well. Later, they came and put 20 ml of fluid into the catheter but nothing drained. Then they added another 10 and still nothing drained and they couldn't pull anything back. They thought maybe it was because the tube was up against the wall of the stomach, so they did an X-ray and found that is located in the correct place. The doctors are again scratching their heads to come up with a reason and plan. Keep in mind I am getting this from Jessica then trying to put it into my words so forgive me if I end up correcting some information later. She said in the last couple of hours her urine has cleared up and not bloody which is great. The kidney doctors said when looking at her chart they don't think her kidneys have been right since birth. We don't know what that means yet it may be not be that concerning since she has been urinating fine until recently. I will keep it at that for now until we get more definite answers or solutions. Rebecca is doing fine through and after the procedure. We are also awaiting Joanna's follow up eye exams and head ultrasound today. Will update later this evening. Thank you for keeping Rebecca in your prayers it has been a rough few days.

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