Monday, April 19, 2010

Girls are doing well

Both girls are continuing to have good days.  Even though we have had some set backs I thank God everyday for they progess they have made and the miracles he continues to bless our family with.

Joanna's Update:  She is eating again!!  They started feeding her a few days ago and she has tolerated the feeds very well.  Before her belly issues she was up to 12 ml and getting the milk fortified to 26 calories.  We are now starting over with the feeds so we are back down to getting only 5 ml.  As long as she continues to tolerate them well she will get mls added each day and then they will begin adding the calories back in.  Her O2 has been set between 21 - 25 % and she is still on a 5 setting with the CPAP.  She has been doing very well with the new nasal prongs they are using.  I was able to hold her again today (skin to skin).  Both girls tolerate the kangaroo hold very well.  I can't tell you how overwhelming it is to hold them when during our pregnancy for weeks we were told we may not have either of them to hold.

Rebecca's Update:  They have increased her breastmilk to 28 calories.  You should see how thick adding those calories make the milk - it is like a milkshake.  If she does well with this they may even increase it to 30 calories.  They usually stop adding calories at 28 but since their goal is to fatten her up, the nurse said they may increase her to 30.  We will just have to wait and see how she digests the milkshake.  They have been able to get her settings lowered which is getting us closer to our goal of getting her off of the vent.  I have noticed that since she has gotten her bigger tube she is breathing quite a bit over the vent settings!!  The cardiologists are monitoring her every few days to see how she is growing.  They are weighing various things to help them decide when they need to do the procedure.  They need her to grow to have the procedure but the medicine she is on for her heart is holding some things up.  It is slowing down the process of getting her off of the vent.  Because of her heart condition they also are having problems getting her to gain weight because they don't want to give her too much food because then her heart will work harder to process the food which would be bad for her condition.

My Uncle Joe, Anut Pam, and cousin Paul came up to visit today.  Because she was having company, I put a small bow in Rebecca's hair!  She looked so cute.  I have a bow for Joanna and as soon as get gets rid of her stylish hat she is required to wear, she will get to wear hers.

Being home with the Katelyn and Kenlee was really nice.  I went to Methodist to pick up diapers and was able to see some familiar faces.  We went to the Tri-Fest on Friday for lunch and a few rides.  It was so nice feeling like I was back in my routine.  I feel pulled in two directions - I hated leaving the twins but then I hated leaving Katelyn and Kenlee.  I can't wait to have eveveryone home and be a family again.  I know it is not far off, that what we are going through is only a season in our lives that will be completed soon.

Thanks for all of your prayers.  I want you to know that our family appreciates you so much and would not be where we are today without you and your prayers.  God is working through this situation in more ways than we know. 

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see you this weekend. if you need us to bring anything, let me know.
