Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Days

Joanna had one of her best days yet!!  She was on room air (no extra oxygen given to her) the entire day.  Usually she sits at around 23-25%.  She also usually needs to be bumped up to around 28% when her care is given every four hours BUT she was able to tolerate her care on room air - that is the first.  Her day shift nurse was so excited when I came in to tell me how well she had been doing.  Joanna must have known that I was asking her resident this morning what she needed to do to get off of the CPAP.  One of the things was to be on room air for most of the day and not require extra oxygen when she gets care.  I was able to hold her for about an hour today.  When they got her out and put her in my shirt, she had her eyes open and was looking at me.  I know she can't actually see me but as I talked to her I know she knew her mommy was holding her.  It was the highlight of my day.
Rebecca's infection is a common one among preemies.  She will be on two antibiotics for about 10 days and then should be back to normal.  She was resting peacefully the entire time I was there today.  Her nurse put a cute bow in her hair today - she looked so precious.  I'm not sure if I have shared this before but Rebecca loves to have her hands up around her face.  She also loves to talk with her eyebrows!!
Each of the girls have a resident assigned to them.  The residents are assigned to a hospital for a month and then they move on.  Brandon and I have really connected with Joanna's resident Holly.  She has been another blessing in our lives and we will miss her smiling face each day.  Thanks Holly for taking care of our precious angel.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So glad to read that update! As I read it with a big smile on my face, I could see you smiling as you typed it :) God is Good! God is Good!
