Thursday, April 8, 2010

Less positive days

We have been reminded the last 2 days that we are not out of the woods yet. Yesterday Joanna had to have her CPAP setting increased because she was working too hard to breathe. This wasn't the worst thing in the world, just a small step backward. While we were there with her I got a call from Rebecca's Dr that they have to remove her PICC line and put a new one in. She had a dirty diaper that leaked a bit and possibly contaminated the PICC. That was completed without any problem. They took a blood sample and are growing a culture to see if she got infected. They don't think she did but just being cautious. The most concerning thing is that her blood pressure keeps dropping very low. They are giving her antibiotics in case of infection and she had another echocardiogram this morning. The initial results were that everything was the same but the attending cardiologist came by and they did some more scanning. They think maybe they took too much fluids off a couple of days ago so they are going to give her some back. Joanna's doctor called just a little bit ago and she is doing pretty good today with her CPAP settings. Her blood pressure has had some wide ranges but they think it is ok. Their feedings are going very well with both of them. This is not the type of days we had hoped for with me planning on going home this evening. My mom is on her way here to stay with Jessica tonight and tomorrow. I know this is short but I just don't have the blogging spirit right now. It really just makes me want to close my eyes and sleep it all away but when my eyes close instead I just pray that God will fix it.


  1. Brandon, thanks for your amazing spirit this past week. I know your wife is appreciative of the spiritual leader you are being for the family. God is using you both and your girls in ways you wouldn't imagine. I will continue to pray for strength and understanding for both you and Jessica as you continue down this journey that God has you on. May you feel God's hand guiding you and allow him to carry you when you are too tired to go on. We love and miss you all and will lift the girls up in prayer this evening at group.

    The Wades

  2. Brandon, I'm sure that this minor setback and having to return to work is difficult for you guys. I pray that God will fill you with encouragement and strength in the coming days. You have been such a wonderful example of a Godly husband and father and He is going to take care of you guys. Before you know it the bad days will be just a memory and Rebecca and Joanna will be strong and healthy. We love you guys and will miss you at group tonight! Angela & Levi

  3. Brandon just remember there is a world full of people that when they close their eyes they too are praying to God to help you, Jess, and your precious girls!
